Uniform Information


School t-shirts are available for $8.00. Students may also wear solid color black, blue, red, and tan polo, dress, or t-shirts.


Bottoms can be blue jeans, black, navy, or tan slacks, shorts, or skirts.

Clothing should be clean and modest with no inflammatory or vulgar messages, and with no advertising of illegal substances. Sweat pants and stretch pants are not permissible.


Safety is a high priority for REAL and want students, parents, and staff to be confident in the cleanliness and safety policies and procedures of the school. Due to the rapidly changing circumstances related to the COVID virus, policies regarding school safety procedures are subject to change.

  • At present, the use and wearing of masks is optional.
  • Students should maintain social distancing guidelines and follow the direction of the staff.
  • Students should regularly wash hands with soap or use the waterless disinfectant that will be available.
  • Students should not share pencils, pens, school supplies, ear buds, food, drink, etc.